Vol. 310, Issue 10, 2010December 01, 2010 EDT
Early Archean Crust of the Middle Dnepr and Azov Domains, Ukrainian Shield—evidence From Ages of Detrital Zircons in Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts
Early Archean Crust of the Middle Dnepr and Azov Domains, Ukrainian Shield—evidence From Ages of Detrital Zircons in Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts
E. Bibikova, S. Claesson, A. Fedotova, G. Artemenko, L. Ilyinsky,
Bibikova, E., Claesson, S., Fedotova, A., Artemenko, G., & Ilyinsky, L. (2010). Early Archean Crust of the Middle Dnepr and Azov Domains, Ukrainian Shield—evidence From Ages of Detrital Zircons in Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts. American Journal of Science, 310(10), 1595–1622. https://doi.org/10.2475/10.2010.13