Vol. 312, Issue 10, 2012December 01, 2012 EDT
Architecture and Evolution of Accretionary Orogens in the Altaids Collage: The Early Paleozoic West Junggar (NW China)
Architecture and Evolution of Accretionary Orogens in the Altaids Collage: The Early Paleozoic West Junggar (NW China)
Flavien Choulet, Michel Faure, Dominique Cluzel, Yan Chen, Wei Lin, Bo Wang, Bor-ming Jahn,
Choulet, F., Faure, M., Cluzel, D., Chen, Y., Lin, W., Wang, B., & Jahn, B. (2012). Architecture and evolution of accretionary orogens in the Altaids collage: The early Paleozoic West Junggar (NW China). American Journal of Science, 312(10), 1098–1145. https://doi.org/10.2475/10.2012.02