Vol. 321, Issue 9, 2021November 01, 2021 EDT
Coexisting Arc and MORB Signatures in the Sonakhan Greenstone Belt, India: Late Neoarchean – Early Proterozoic Subduction Rollback and Back-Arc Formation
Coexisting Arc and MORB Signatures in the Sonakhan Greenstone Belt, India: Late Neoarchean – Early Proterozoic Subduction Rollback and Back-Arc Formation
Gautam Kumar Deb, Dilip Saha, Sarbani Patranabis-Deb, Amlan Banerjee,
Deb, G. K., Saha, D., Patranabis-Deb, S., & Banerjee, A. (2021). Coexisting arc and MORB signatures in the Sonakhan greenstone belt, India: late Neoarchean – early Proterozoic subduction rollback and back-arc formation. American Journal of Science, 321(9), 1308–1349. https://doi.org/10.2475/09.2021.02