Vol. 320, Issue 8, 2020October 01, 2020 EDT
Miocene to Pleistocene Glacial History of West Antarctica Inferred From Nunatak Geomorphology and Cosmogenic-Nuclide Measurements on Bedrock Surfaces
Miocene to Pleistocene Glacial History of West Antarctica Inferred From Nunatak Geomorphology and Cosmogenic-Nuclide Measurements on Bedrock Surfaces
Perry Spector, John Stone, Greg Balco, Trevor Hillebrand, Mika Thompson, Taryn Black,
Spector, P., Stone, J., Balco, G., Hillebrand, T., Thompson, M., & Black, T. (2020). Miocene to Pleistocene glacial history of West Antarctica inferred from Nunatak geomorphology and cosmogenic-nuclide measurements on bedrock surfaces. American Journal of Science, 320(8), 637–676. https://doi.org/10.2475/10.2020.01