Vol. 318, Issue 10, 2018December 01, 2018 EDT
Coupled Precambrian Crustal Evolution and Supercontinent Cycles: Insights From In-Situ U-Pb, O- and Hf-isotopes in Detrital Zircon, NW India
Coupled Precambrian Crustal Evolution and Supercontinent Cycles: Insights From In-Situ U-Pb, O- and Hf-isotopes in Detrital Zircon, NW India
Wei Wang, Peter A. Cawood, Manoj K. Pandit, Xiao-Ping Xia, Jun-Hong Zhao,
Wang, W., Cawood, P. A., Pandit, M. K., Xia, X.-P., & Zhao, J.-H. (2018). Coupled Precambrian crustal evolution and supercontinent cycles: Insights from in-situ U-Pb, O- and Hf-isotopes in detrital zircon, NW india. American Journal of Science, 318(10), 989–1017. https://doi.org/10.2475/10.2018.01