Vol. 317, Issue 10, 2017December 01, 2017 EDT
Late Neoarchean Supracrustal Rocks From the Anshan-Benxi Terrane, North China Craton: New Geodynamic Implications From the Geochemical Record
Late Neoarchean Supracrustal Rocks From the Anshan-Benxi Terrane, North China Craton: New Geodynamic Implications From the Geochemical Record
Changle Wang, Zidong Peng, Xiaoxue Tong, Hua Huang, Mengtian Zheng, Lianchang Zhang, Mingguo Zhai,
Wang, C., Peng, Z., Tong, X., Huang, H., Zheng, M., Zhang, L., & Zhai, M. (2017). Late Neoarchean supracrustal rocks from the Anshan-Benxi terrane, North China Craton: New geodynamic implications from the geochemical record. American Journal of Science, 317(10), 1095–1148. https://doi.org/10.2475/10.2017.02