Vol. 318, Issue 4, 2018April 01, 2018 EDT
Open Ocean vs. Continentally-Derived Iron Cycles Along the Neoarchean Campbellrand-Malmani Carbonate Platform, South Africa
Open Ocean vs. Continentally-Derived Iron Cycles Along the Neoarchean Campbellrand-Malmani Carbonate Platform, South Africa
Suemeyya Eroglu, Ronny Schoenberg, Sakura Pascarelli, Nicolas J. Beukes, Ilka C. Kleinhanns, Elizabeth D. Swanner,
Eroglu, S., Schoenberg, R., Pascarelli, S., Beukes, N. J., Kleinhanns, I. C., & Swanner, E. D. (2018). Open ocean vs. continentally-derived iron cycles along the Neoarchean Campbellrand-Malmani Carbonate platform, South Africa. American Journal of Science, 318(4), 367–408. https://doi.org/10.2475/04.2018.01