Vol. 315, Issue 8, 2015October 01, 2015 EDT
A Generalized Model for Predicting the Thermodynamic Properties of Clay Minerals
A Generalized Model for Predicting the Thermodynamic Properties of Clay Minerals
Philippe Blanc, Philippe Vieillard, Hélène Gailhanou, Stéphane Gaboreau, Éric Gaucher, Claire I. Fialips, Benoît Madé, Eric Giffaut,
Blanc, P., Vieillard, P., Gailhanou, H., Gaboreau, S., Gaucher, É., Fialips, C. I., Madé, B., & Giffaut, E. (2015). A generalized model for predicting the thermodynamic properties of clay minerals. American Journal of Science, 315(8), 734–780. https://doi.org/10.2475/08.2015.02