Vol. 316, Issue 4, 2016April 01, 2016 EDT
Interlayer Growth Kinetics of a Binary Solid-Solution Based on the Thermodynamic Extremal Principle: Application to the Formation of Spinel at Periclase-Corundum Contacts
Interlayer Growth Kinetics of a Binary Solid-Solution Based on the Thermodynamic Extremal Principle: Application to the Formation of Spinel at Periclase-Corundum Contacts
Rainer Abart, Jiri Svoboda, Petr Jeřabek, Erwin Povoden-Karadeniz, Gerlinde Habler,
Abart, R., Svoboda, J., Jeřabek, P., Povoden-Karadeniz, E., & Habler, G. (2016). Interlayer growth kinetics of a binary solid-solution based on the thermodynamic extremal principle: Application to the formation of spinel at periclase-corundum contacts. American Journal of Science, 316(4), 309–328. https://doi.org/10.2475/04.2016.01