Vol. s3-19, Issue 110, 1880February 01, 1880 EDT
On Lintonite and Other Forms of Thomsonite, a Preliminary Notice of Zeolites of the Vicinity of Grand Marais, Cook County, Minnesota
On Lintonite and Other Forms of Thomsonite, a Preliminary Notice of Zeolites of the Vicinity of Grand Marais, Cook County, Minnesota
Stephen Farnham Peckham, C. W. Hall,
Peckham, S. F., & Hall, C. W. (1880). On lintonite and other forms of thomsonite, a preliminary notice of zeolites of the vicinity of Grand Marais, Cook County, Minnesota. American Journal of Science, s3-19(110), 122–130. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.s3-19.110.122