Vol. s2-40, Issue 119, 1865September 01, 1865 EDT
On the Use of the Bisulphate of Soda as a Substitute for the Bisulphate of Potash in the Decomposition of Minerals, Especially the Aluminous Minerals
On the Use of the Bisulphate of Soda as a Substitute for the Bisulphate of Potash in the Decomposition of Minerals, Especially the Aluminous Minerals
J. Lawrence Smith,
Smith, J. L. (1865). On the use of the bisulphate of soda as a substitute for the bisulphate of potash in the decomposition of minerals, especially the aluminous minerals. American Journal of Science, s2-40(119), 248–249. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.s2-40.119.248