Vol. 310, Issue 9, 2010November 01, 2010 EDT
Paleomagnetism of 1780–1770 Ma Mafic and Composite Intrusions of Småland (Sweden): Implications for the Mesoproterozoic Supercontinent
Paleomagnetism of 1780–1770 Ma Mafic and Composite Intrusions of Småland (Sweden): Implications for the Mesoproterozoic Supercontinent
S. A. Pisarevsky, G. Bylund,
Pisarevsky, S. A., & Bylund, G. (2010). Paleomagnetism of 1780–1770 Ma Mafic and Composite Intrusions of Småland (Sweden): Implications for the Mesoproterozoic Supercontinent. American Journal of Science, 310(9), 1168–1186. https://doi.org/10.2475/09.2010.15