Vol. 302, Issue 2, 2002February 01, 2002 EDT
An Integrated Assessment of a “Type Euxinic” Deposit: Evidence for Multiple Controls on Black Shale Deposition in the Middle Devonian Oatka Creek Formation
An Integrated Assessment of a “Type Euxinic” Deposit: Evidence for Multiple Controls on Black Shale Deposition in the Middle Devonian Oatka Creek Formation
Josef P. Werne, Bradley B. Sageman, Timothy W. Lyons, David J. Hollander,
Werne, J. P., Sageman, B. B., Lyons, T. W., & Hollander, D. J. (2002). An integrated assessment of a “type euxinic” deposit: Evidence for multiple controls on black shale deposition in the middle Devonian Oatka Creek formation. American Journal of Science, 302(2), 110–143. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.302.2.110