Vol. 307, Issue 5, 2007May 01, 2007 EDT
Mineral Solubility and Hydrous Melting Relations in the Deep Earth: Analysis of Some Binary A–H2O System Pressure-Temperature-Composition Topologies
Mineral Solubility and Hydrous Melting Relations in the Deep Earth: Analysis of Some Binary A–H2O System Pressure-Temperature-Composition Topologies
Alistair C. Hack, Jörg Hermann, John A. Mavrogenes,
Hack, A. C., Hermann, J., & Mavrogenes, J. A. (2007). Mineral solubility and hydrous melting relations in the deep earth: Analysis of some binary A–H2O system pressure-temperature-composition topologies. American Journal of Science, 307(5), 833–855. https://doi.org/10.2475/05.2007.03