Vol. 319, Issue 1, 2019January 01, 2019 EDT
Modeling the Consequences of Land Plant Evolution on Silicate Weathering
Modeling the Consequences of Land Plant Evolution on Silicate Weathering
Daniel E. Ibarra, Jeremy K. Caves Rugenstein, Aviv Bachan, Andrés Baresch, Kimberly V. Lau, Dana L. Thomas, Jung-Eun Lee, C. Kevin Boyce, C. Page Chamberlain,
Ibarra, D. E., Rugenstein, J. K. C., Bachan, A., Baresch, A., Lau, K. V., Thomas, D. L., Lee, J.-E., Boyce, C. K., & Chamberlain, C. P. (2019). Modeling the consequences of land plant evolution on silicate weathering. American Journal of Science, 319(1), 1–43. https://doi.org/10.2475/01.2019.01