Vol. 292, Issue 7, 1992September 01, 1992 EDT
Petrology of Aluminous Schist in the Boehls Butte Region of Northern Idaho; Phase Equilibria and P-T Evolution
Petrology of Aluminous Schist in the Boehls Butte Region of Northern Idaho; Phase Equilibria and P-T Evolution
Timothy W. Grover, Jack M. Rice, J. William Carey,
Grover, T. W., Rice, J. M., & Carey, J. W. (1992). Petrology of aluminous schist in the Boehls Butte region of northern Idaho; phase equilibria and P-T evolution. American Journal of Science, 292(7), 474–507. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.292.7.474