Vol. 290, Issue 4, 1990April 01, 1990 EDT
Devonian Plants From Southern Quebec and Northern New Hampshire and the Age of the Connecticut Valley Trough
Devonian Plants From Southern Quebec and Northern New Hampshire and the Age of the Connecticut Valley Trough
Francis M. Hueber, Wallace A. Bothner, Norman L. Hatch, Stanley C. Finney, John N. Aleinikoff,
Hueber, F. M., Bothner, W. A., Hatch, N. L., Finney, S. C., & Aleinikoff, J. N. (1990). Devonian plants from southern Quebec and northern New Hampshire and the age of the Connecticut Valley trough. American Journal of Science, 290(4), 360–395. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.290.4.360