Vol. 289, Issue 4, 1989April 01, 1989 EDT
The post-Paleozoic Chronology and Mechanism of 13 C Depletion in Primary Marine Organic Matter
The post-Paleozoic Chronology and Mechanism of 13 C Depletion in Primary Marine Organic Matter
Brian N. Popp, Ray Takigiku, J. M. Hayes, J. W. Louda, Earl W. Baker,
Popp, B. N., Takigiku, R., Hayes, J. M., Louda, J. W., & Baker, E. W. (1989). The post-Paleozoic chronology and mechanism of 13 C depletion in primary marine organic matter. American Journal of Science, 289(4), 436–454. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.289.4.436