Vol. 285, Issue 2, 1985February 01, 1985 EDT
Chemistry of Calcium Carbonate-Rich Shallow Water Sediments in the Bahamas
Chemistry of Calcium Carbonate-Rich Shallow Water Sediments in the Bahamas
John W. Morse, James J. Zullig, Lawrence D. Bernstein, Frank J. Millero, Peter J. Milne, Alfonso Mucci, Gregory R. Choppin,
Morse, J. W., Zullig, J. J., Bernstein, L. D., Millero, F. J., Milne, P. J., Mucci, A., & Choppin, G. R. (1985). Chemistry of calcium carbonate-rich shallow water sediments in the Bahamas. American Journal of Science, 285(2), 147–185. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.285.2.147