Vol. 281, Issue 1, 1981January 01, 1981 EDT
The Late Precambrian “Sparagmites” of Southern Norway; a Major Caledonian Allochthon; the Osen-Roa Nappe Complex
The Late Precambrian “Sparagmites” of Southern Norway; a Major Caledonian Allochthon; the Osen-Roa Nappe Complex
Johan P. Nystuen,
Nystuen, J. P. (1981). The late Precambrian “sparagmites” of southern Norway; a major Caledonian allochthon; the Osen-Roa nappe complex. American Journal of Science, 281(1), 69–94. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.281.1.69