Vol. 280, Issue 9, 1980November 01, 1980 EDT
Paleomagnetism of Late Precambrian to Early Paleozoic Mixtite-Bearing Formations in Namibia (South West Africa); the Nama Group and Blaubeker Formation
Paleomagnetism of Late Precambrian to Early Paleozoic Mixtite-Bearing Formations in Namibia (South West Africa); the Nama Group and Blaubeker Formation
A. Kroener, M. O. McWilliams, G. J. B. Germs, A. B. Reid, E. L. Schalk,
Kroener, A., McWilliams, M. O., Germs, G. J. B., Reid, A. B., & Schalk, E. L. (1980). Paleomagnetism of late Precambrian to early Paleozoic mixtite-bearing formations in Namibia (South West Africa); the Nama Group and Blaubeker Formation. American Journal of Science, 280(9), 942–968. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.280.9.942