Vol. 264, Issue 4, 1966April 01, 1966 EDT
Exomorphic and Endomorphic Effects From Marble-Contaminated Granite Contacts in the ‘San Miguel’ Quarry, Barker, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Exomorphic and Endomorphic Effects From Marble-Contaminated Granite Contacts in the ‘San Miguel’ Quarry, Barker, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jorge F. Villar Fabre, Bernabe J. Quartino,
Fabre, J. F. V., & Quartino, B. J. (1966). Exomorphic and endomorphic effects from marble-contaminated granite contacts in the ‘San Miguel’ quarry, Barker, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. American Journal of Science, 264(4), 310–320. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.264.4.310