K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages for a variety of metamorphic and igneous rock types are reported. K-Ar ages range from 480 m.y. to 240 m.y. Three metamorphic events affected the region....
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Absolute age of main quartz diorite massif of 290-300 m.y., whole rock isochron age of 420 m.y., absence of metamorphic recrystallization during late Cretaceous orogeny
- Science PaperPartial Melting of Common Rocks as a Possible Source of Cordierite-Anthophyllite Bearing AssemblagesIn a high grade regional metamorphic environment, partial melting and removal of melt will result in a residuum different in composition from the original rock. The possibility that these processes...
- Science PaperPhase relations in the above join were studied through the system Na 2 O-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -CO 2 -H 2 O at 1 kb. Phases encountered were...
- Science PaperThe effect of temperature variation on isotope fractionation has been studied in rock samples from a well in the Salton Sea geothermal area. A vertical profile of oxygen isotopic composition...
- Science PaperThe iron sulfide that darkens the color of some anaerobic sediment has been tentatively identified as mackinawite (tetragonal FeS) in sediment from Linsley Pond, Conn. The mineral was identified by...