- Science PaperThe Buxaceae (boxwood family) is a primarily tropical or subtropical Old World family that has two modern genera, Pachysandra and Sarcococca, common to Asia and North America. The wide separation...
- Science PaperRecent published discussions of pantellerites and related experimental liquids have described compositional differentiation trends in terms of normative Q, or, and ab. This norm projection has at least three intrinsic...
- Science PaperPotassium-argon dates by Geochron on biotites from four major intrusives of the Boulder bathylith suggest that the age of the old dated sequence ranges from approximately 70 to 78 m.y....
- Science PaperTwo hundred grains of a deformed hornblende gneiss from Hellandsjoeen near Trondheim, Norway, were measured, and the spatial arrangement of the hornblende grains within the rock fabric was derived by...
- Science PaperLead nitrate is recommended as an internal standard for X-ray powder examination of feldspars because it gives a distinct, well distributed pattern with no interference to diagnostically important feldspar lines....