Six curves, from European and American localities, showing inferred fluctuations of climate (chiefly temperature) during various segments of the time since the last interglacial, are compared. The curves are time...
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Highly serpentinized alpine-type peridotites frequently have small, relatively acid rock lenses associated with them. Weakly serpentinized or unserpentinized peridotites are usually associated with segregations of olivine gabbro. A study of...
- Science PaperDiabasic and gabbroic intrusions in the Frost Mountain area, approximately 70 mi. SE. of Seattle, represent at least in part feeders for 2 different sets of basalt flows. The older...
- Science PaperVery small striations, here called microstriations, occur on the smooth, polished surfaces of some pebbles. They average a millimeter or less long and are commonly less than 0.05 mm. wide....
- Science PaperFor folds with a small amplitude/wave length ratio in homogeneous, isotropic, Newtonian media, concentric shearing strain in the flanks is related to the maximum concentric longitudinal strain through the layer...
Meteorite showers are usually caused by the fragmentation of one large meteorite in its rapid course through our atmosphere, rather than by the invasion of a swarm of initially discrete...
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A final fold form described in the literature as due to flexure following shear is interpreted instead as due to flexure and concomitant shearing on the axial plane, or possibly...