Vol. 310, Issue 10, 2010December 01, 2010 EDT
Accretionary Orogen and Evolution of the Japanese Islands: Implications From a Sr-Nd Isotopic Study of the Phanerozoic Granitoids From SW Japan
Accretionary Orogen and Evolution of the Japanese Islands: Implications From a Sr-Nd Isotopic Study of the Phanerozoic Granitoids From SW Japan
Bor-Ming Jahn,
Jahn, B.-M. (2010). Accretionary Orogen and Evolution of the Japanese Islands: Implications From a Sr-Nd Isotopic Study of the Phanerozoic Granitoids From SW Japan. American Journal of Science, 310(10), 1210–1249. https://doi.org/10.2475/10.2010.02