Vol. 318, Issue 10, 2018December 01, 2018 EDT
Depositional Environment, Sediment Provenance and Oxygen Isotope Paleoaltimetry of the Early Paleogene Greater Green River Basin, Southwestern Wyoming, U.S.A.
Depositional Environment, Sediment Provenance and Oxygen Isotope Paleoaltimetry of the Early Paleogene Greater Green River Basin, Southwestern Wyoming, U.S.A.
Min Gao, Majie Fan,
Gao, M., & Fan, M. (2018). Depositional environment, sediment provenance and oxygen isotope paleoaltimetry of the early Paleogene greater Green River Basin, southwestern Wyoming, U.S.A. American Journal of Science, 318(10), 1018–1055. https://doi.org/10.2475/10.2018.02