Vol. s3-42, Issue 248, 1891August 01, 1891 EDT
Some of the Features of Nonvolcanic Igneous Ejections, as Illustrated in the Four “Rocks” of the New Haven Region, West Rock, Pine Rock, Mill Rock, and East Rock
Some of the Features of Nonvolcanic Igneous Ejections, as Illustrated in the Four “Rocks” of the New Haven Region, West Rock, Pine Rock, Mill Rock, and East Rock
James Dwight Dana,
Dana, J. D. (1891). Some of the features of nonvolcanic igneous ejections, as illustrated in the four “Rocks” of the New Haven region, West Rock, Pine Rock, Mill Rock, and East Rock. American Journal of Science, s3-42(248), 79–110. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.s3-42.248.79