Vol. s2-48, Issue 143, 1869September 01, 1869 EDT
Contributions of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; I, on Nitric Acid and Chlorate of Potassium as an Oxydizing Mixture Applicable to Sulphur, Sulphids, Chromium, Arsenic, Organic Matters, Etc
Contributions of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; I, on Nitric Acid and Chlorate of Potassium as an Oxydizing Mixture Applicable to Sulphur, Sulphids, Chromium, Arsenic, Organic Matters, Etc
Frank H. Storer, A. H. Pearson, E. W Bowditch, R. H. Richards,
Storer, F. H., Pearson, A. H., Bowditch, E. W., & Richards, R. H. (1869). Contributions of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; I, On nitric acid and chlorate of potassium as an oxydizing mixture applicable to sulphur, sulphids, chromium, arsenic, organic matters, etc. American Journal of Science, s2-48(143), 190–205. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.s2-48.143.190