Vol. 281, Issue 3, 1981March 01, 1981 EDT
Phase Relations for the Joins Jadeite-Enstatite and Jadeite-Forsterite at 28 Kb and Their Bearing on Basalt Genesis
Phase Relations for the Joins Jadeite-Enstatite and Jadeite-Forsterite at 28 Kb and Their Bearing on Basalt Genesis
Kenneth E. Windom, A. L. Boettcher,
Windom, K. E., & Boettcher, A. L. (1981). Phase relations for the joins jadeite-enstatite and jadeite-forsterite at 28 kb and their bearing on basalt genesis. American Journal of Science, 281(3), 335–351. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.281.3.335