Vol. 277, Issue 9, 1977November 01, 1977 EDT
Prograde Reaction Histories Deduced From Compositional Zonation and Mineral Inclusions in Garnet From the Gassetts Schist, Vermont
Prograde Reaction Histories Deduced From Compositional Zonation and Mineral Inclusions in Garnet From the Gassetts Schist, Vermont
A. B. Thompson, R. J. Tracy, P. T. Lyttle, J. B. Thompson,
Thompson, A. B., Tracy, R. J., Lyttle, P. T., & Thompson, J. B. (1977). Prograde reaction histories deduced from compositional zonation and mineral inclusions in garnet from the Gassetts schist, Vermont. American Journal of Science, 277(9), 1152–1167. https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.277.9.1152